Stimulant caffeine. It awakens and disrupts sleep. At least 4 hours before bed, avoid coffee. Caffeine can affect sleep quality in some persons at any time of day.
Avoid caffeine
Reading can be relaxing and prevent nervous thoughts that can disrupt sleep. However, emotional literature should be avoided.
Read a book
Meditation and mindfulness can minimise sleep-disrupting anxiety. These approaches can help relax an anxious mind, distract from busy thoughts, and aid sleep.
Try meditation
Counting down from 100 induces sleep. Boredom and distracting the person from worried thoughts may help.
Try counting
What someone eats at night can affect their sleep. A heavy lunch eaten 1 hour before bedtime may hinder sleep.Before lying down, let your body digest. This varies by person.
Change eating habits
Too hot or too chilly can hinder sleep. People's ideal temperature varies, therefore it's vital to experiment.
Room temperature
Aromatherapy is used to relax and sleep.Lavender oil aids sleep or having more energy after waking up.
Try aromatherapy
Some folks find soothing music before bed helpful. Personal tastes determine a person's musical response. Too stimulating music might cause anxiety and insomnia.
Listen to music
A pleasant bath or shower can help you sleep. It helps regulate temperature before sleeping.Hot and cold showers are beneficial. Hot showers aid sleep.